
Oregano2 Demo
Please ensure you have the necessary system updates before running Oregano2
Click here to download the Oregano2 Demo (2.3Mb)
We advise NOT to use !SparkPlug to unzip this demo as occurrences of '/' in filenames will be changed to '_'.
You can use !SparkFS or alternatively !ZipEE from here

System Updates

Click here to download !System updates. Required for users without SharedCLibrary 5.45
Click here to download latest Toolbox modules from RISCOS Ltd.
Click here to download SharedSound (1.04) module. Required for RISC OS 4 or earlier

Do not attempt to to run any system update installers from inside a zip file
For installation tips and help see please see the FAQ section

© Castle Technology Ltd 2003. Castle is a trading name of Castle Technology Ltd. E&OE. Acorn and the Acorn Nut device are Trademarks.