Twain Upgrades

This page will allow you to download updates for your Castle Technology Mustek Twain driver to the latest version. There are 2 versions of !Twain, Twain-1 and Twain-2, and separate update areas for each.

The pictures below will enable you to check which version you have loaded, and therefore choose the correct version to update.

Please Note however that these updates will NOT enable you to update from Twain-1 to Twain-2. This is a chargeable upgrade available directly from Castle Technology at £25 + carriage (£6) + VAT. you will need to send your original floppy disc to Castle Technology (address below)as proof of ownership.

To use any of these patches you will also need to download the patcher. Select the patch you need, and drop it in the Patches directory within !Patcher. Make a copy of your original disc. Run !Patcher (aka !Freshen - by David Pilling) and drag the !Twain you have just created on to !Patcher's spraycan on the icon bar.

Twain-1 update
This is a Twain-1 driver. The downloaded ZIP file contains patches to upgrade the following to v0.66: v0.40, v0.45, v0.49, v0.50, v0.52, v0.60, v0.61, v0.63, v0.64, and v0.65.

Twain-2 driver
Twain-2 Update
This is a Twain-2 driver. The downloaded ZIP file contains patches to upgrade the following to v2.09: v2.01, v2.02, v2.04, v2.06, v2.07, and v2.08.
And further patches to upgrade
to v2.13: v2.09,v2.10, and v2.11.
to v2.13a: v2.13.

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© Castle Technology Ltd 2001. Castle is a trading name of Castle Technology Ltd. E&OE. Acorn and the Acorn Nut device are Trademarks.