Oregano contains a wide range of powerful features. Below is a full list of Internet technologies currently supported by Oregano.
- Full Javascript Support
- HTTP 1.1
- HTTP 3.2
- Frames and Tables Support
- Plug-in support for Java etc.
- PNG Images
- GIF Images and Animations
- SSL 3.0 - 40bit (worldwide) and 128bit (Export restricted. See listed countries)
- Cookies
- Security Authentication
- History and Favourites
- FTP Fetch (via proxy server)
- Unicode 8 and 16bit fonts
- HTTP Put
- ASCII 7 and 8bit
- True Type Fonts
- Output: Graphics, Text and HTML
- Cut and Paste
- Support for WAV files (with plug-in)
- Suitable for RISC OS 3.5 and Above
- Customisable GUI