spacer Castle Embedded Computers
spacer Cortex connector board
Cortex Connector Board
spacer A Cortex connector board is an optional connectivity board which connects to a Neuron embedded computer. It provides
spacer connectivity to the "outside world" and can be fitted with a wide range of application specific connectors and extra circuitry:

spacer Networking - As an alternative to th 10/100BaseT connector on the Neuron board itself, a Cortex card can carry this connector
spacer to give industry standard networking.
spacer I/O Connections - A complete range of connectors can be specified for a Cortex card. E.g. Serial, Parallel, PS2
spacer Video - High resolution screen modes (interlaced and non-interlaced) for TV, LCD and CRT screens are fully supported.
spacer Power Input - A Cortex board can accept a wide range of power sources with its on board ability to transform and condition
spacer power.
spacer Audio Circuit - A Cortex board can provide for a wide range of audio options. With access to 8 individual 16 bit channels
spacer at up to 48kHz most audio applications are catered for.

Cortex Availability (bespoke and off-the-shelf)
spacer Customers can choose from a range of off-the-shelf Cortex designs
spacer (including 19" rack mount, ATX, FLEX, A7000+, RiscPC etc).
spacer Alternatively Castle can quote to design a bespoke Cortex
spacer board for individual product use.

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