Oregano Order Page

To order Oregano please complete the following boxes and press submit.
An electronic order will then be sent to Castle who will send you a full copy of the software in the post.


This order form is not hosted on a secure site.

A secure version of this order form is available here.
If in doubt, please fax, post or Telephone your order to us.

Select type of product required (delivery cost included in price):

Customer name:
Company/School name:
Post Code/ZIP code:
Country (If your country is not on the list please refer to the previous page)
Telephone number (include International Code):
Fax number:
E-Mail Address:
Credit Card Number:
Valid from date:
Expiry date:
Issue number: (switch only)
Name on card:

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Castle is a trading name of Castle Technology Limited. Ore Trading Estate. Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9LL.
Registered number 2824049
Tel: 01728 723200 Fax: 01728 621179 Email:sales@castle.org.uk