Product Details
Product Code Description (linked to order form) Ex VAT* Inc VAT* Picture
USB Interfaces
USB01 USB Interface for Acorn RISC PC and A7000 £75.74 £89 Details soon
IDE Interfaces
CTP47 A3/400 IDE Interface £60 £70.50 None
CTP28 A3000 IDE Interface £52 £61.10 None
CTP27 A3010 IDE Interface £52 £61.10 None
Network Interfaces
NET06 Ethernet Card A300/A400/A5k (RJ45) £94 £110.45 None
NET10 Ethernet Card A300/A400/A5k (RJ45/BNC) £99 £116.32 None
NET11 Ethernet Card A3020/A4k (BNC MAU) £94 £110.45 None
NET09 Ethernet Card A3020/A4k (RJ45 MAU) £94 £110.45 None
NET08 Ethernet Card A30x0/A4k (RJ45) £94 £110.45 None
NET07 Ethernet Card A30x0/A4k (RJ45/BNC) £99 £116.32 None
NET05 Ethernet Card RiscPC/A7k (RJ45) £94 £110.45 None
NET12 Ethernet Card RiscPC/A7k (RJ45/BNC) £99 £116.32 None
NET20 10/100BaseT Ethernet 32-bit podule card (RJ45) £99 £116.32 Specifications
NET21 10/100BaseT Ethernet NIC card (RJ45) £94 £110.45 None
SCSI Interfaces
CTP39 Storm8 SCSI2 Interface - A30x0/A4k £88 £103.40 None
CTP22 Storm16 SCSI2 Interface - A3/400 A5/7000 £96 £112.80 None
CTP50 StormDMA32 SCSI2 Interface - RPC £128 £150.40 None
CTP24 Storm16/10BaseT SCSI/Ethernet Interface £148 £173.90 None
*All prices exclude delivery.

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